Woman delivers baby in taxi, first responders help to save baby

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Oct. 14, 2014)– It’s a bundle of joy that came quickly! A mother delivered her baby inside a taxi on Tuesday morning, and four Wayne Township firefighters were some of the first people there to help.
Firefighters tell FOX59 calls involving expectant mothers are routine, but this case was slightly more peculiar. First responders helped get that baby breathing.
“The way it was delivered was a little unusual,” said Lt. Ken Feckete, with Wayne Township Fire Department.
The four sat down with FOX59 Tuesday afternoon. They all admit the call this morning was one to remember. Around 9:30 a.m. they got dispatched to Raymond and Kentucky with paramedics, to find a woman in labor right near a parking lot. She was sitting in a taxi in the pouring rain.
“The mother’s sitting on the backseat, passenger side, with the sliding door open. This is a minivan taxi,” said Feckete, “I walked up to her and asked her is everything alright, and she said to me ‘I had my baby.'”
Firefighters and paramedics realized the woman had already given birth.
“I knew that the baby had just been born,” said Scott Boling, with the Wayne Township Fire Department.
The baby was stuck in its mother’s clothing and was not breathing.
“When they handed the baby over to our engineer the baby was still blue, the baby, it hadn’t started breathing at that time. They just cut the cord,” said Jeremy Turner, with Wayne Township Fire Department.
Within minutes, first responders revived the baby. They sent mother and child to the hospital, and now are all grateful to be a part of a birth they won’t forget.
“It’s nice to have, you know, something good come about and to especially bring a healthy new life into the world,” said Randy Rooker, with Wayne Township Fire Department.
Indianapolis EMS reached out to that mother this afternoon, and she said she didn’t want to be interviewed. Both baby girl and mother are doing fine.
It doesn’t appear the mother was in that taxi by coincidence. We’re told the taxi driver is a relative.

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